About Me

I'm just a simple gal from the Philly suburbs now living in the DC area for over 11 years. I'm full of moxie and kinda funny too funny -- sort of a cross between Tina Fey and Jane Austen. Even though I work in PR, I should really be a writer for SNL. I love my family and friends, and anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm very proud of my Italian heritage. I thought it would be fun to create a website and post photos and funny stories, especially for those of you whom I don't get to see or talk to much. If you have a photo or a story you would like me to post, please send it along. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Money (not) well spent

So this is a picture of the pants to a $700 suit I recently bought. What's the white you're seeing? That would be the size of the split in the butt that occured when I sat down in my car after my Improv Comedy school Christmas party. Do you see the irony in splitting my pants wide open after spending an evening at a comedy club? Needless to say, these will be going back to Nordstroms ASAP.

My little Christmas tree

I love my little 4 ft Christmas tree and wreath. I am very much in the spirit this year. After a long day at work, I love coming home, opening my screen door and catching a wiff of the balsam scent of the wreath on my front door. And yes, I made that bow..

My tree skirt is a little on the large side, I'll admit - it's hard to find a skirt that fits a tiny tree.

If you have 20/20 vision, you will count only 7 ornaments on my tree (not including the pre-lit lights and purchased mini-balls). That's all I have collected so far! How sad. Note to friends - Christmas ornaments make great gifts for Aimee!

Missing in action...

Yes, that's me, I've been MIA (not to be confused with my niece named Mia). I don't know where the time goes, but it goes fast. It seems I haven't updated this thing in almost 2 months. I'll try to recap some things here. After my dad's party and before Thanksgiving, I found out that I am going to Dubai for work in January. I've changed focus a good deal so I'll be doing a lot more international work. This will be a great challenge but a cool experience. I'll definitely post photos and updates once I go.

Thanksgiving was a nice time to go home and veg out. I didn't do much at all. I did however start Improv classes at the DC Improv. I'm pretty funny, I have found out. I think I'll be taking a stand up/joke writing class in 2008. That comes with an open mic night so that will definitely be interesting. But I certainly do have an endless source of information/friends/experience in which I can write some funny jokes.

I'm just about done my Christmas shopping. Well, actually I am finished. It's been a frantic month with parties, events, etc but fun nevertheless. I am again looking forward to some down time in PA with the family and then a quick trip to Minnesota to visit my friend Ann over NYE.

Then in Feb, my friend Lisa and I are going to Paris for the long President's Day weekend and I can't wait. I've wanted to go for years since I studied French for 5 years. We'll see how well it comes back. I know it's only 3 days but we'll make the best of it. I'm expecting to go away for a long weekend in January over MLK weekend too for another friend's birthday but she hasn't decided where to go yet (fingers crossed for some place warm). Hopefully the Dubai trip won't coincide with any of this.

Other than that, I think I'm all caught up. Hope anyone who reads this is doing well..