About Me

I'm just a simple gal from the Philly suburbs now living in the DC area for over 11 years. I'm full of moxie and kinda funny too funny -- sort of a cross between Tina Fey and Jane Austen. Even though I work in PR, I should really be a writer for SNL. I love my family and friends, and anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm very proud of my Italian heritage. I thought it would be fun to create a website and post photos and funny stories, especially for those of you whom I don't get to see or talk to much. If you have a photo or a story you would like me to post, please send it along. Enjoy!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My gals

On Saturday I watched my nieces and nephew for a while so Whitney could run some errands. Although Benny was out, we played a little dress-up with berets I brough back for everyone from Paris. As you can see, Ava (18 mo old) has a thing for magic markers. They belong in magazines if you ask me, but I may be a little biased..

Mia in her favorite color purple.

Ava all smiles.

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